Your right to appeal the decision
The letter (Notice of Decision) that Solari will send you will include information on your rights to appeal the decision if you do not agree with the eligibility determination. Applicants have 60 days from the date of the decision to appeal the decision. The letter will also include a form that can be completed and mailed to Solari to file an appeal, or you can appeal by phone by calling Solari at 855-832-2866.
After an appeal has been received, Solari will schedule an informal meeting with you to discuss your eligibility determination and review any new records or information that may impact the eligibility determination. If, after the informal meeting, Solari determines you do not meet criteria, you then have the right to request an Administrative Hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. Requests for Administrative Hearings must be made in writing and sent to Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) at the following address:
Behavioral Health Grievance and Appeals
801 E. Jefferson Street, Mail Drop 6200,
Phoenix, AZ 85034